Saturday, May 31, 2014

What The Heck Is Going On Here?

Shinseki resigned! OK, that saved someone the trouble of firing him I guess. Really did nothing to solve the real issue yet.

Monday, July 26, 2010

A Great American

I have never seen a situation where I would agree so much with a musician on any political topic. Recently, however, I have been reading just about everything i have seen Ted Nugent publish on and I am here to tell you, he is on the money.

He, as many of us are, is just terribly fed up with our rush toward socialism and anarchy that our current administration is trying to push us toward. I have seen him on Hannity recently and although I have heard him speak many times on his political views (and heard him in concert) he appears to be coming much more focused and determined to get his point out there in a very clear, succinct manner. This voice also comes at a time when it is greatly needed and reaches an audience that many of us would never be able to reach because of his background and experience.

It would not surprise me at all to see him run for political office at some point in the near future. In fact, I would welcome it, and if the opportunity arose, he would probably get my vote.

The point I am getting to , on a smaller scale, is I have reposted two of his most recent articles from below. Read them at your convenience and see what I am talking about if you haven't been following his writings. You will see what I am am talking about and why I have listed him here as A Great American.

America's Economic Hari-Kari - HUMAN EVENTS

America's Economic Hari-Kari - HUMAN EVENTS

Let Me Know When You Get It - HUMAN EVENTS

Let Me Know When You Get It - HUMAN EVENTS

Monday, July 20, 2009

The State of the Economy

We are halfway through the first year of the Obama administration and are starting to feel the beginnings of the real "Change" that was promised prior to the election. What do you think? Are we changing for the better or worse? I, for one and an ever growing group do not believe we are heading in the right direction. In fact, Rasmussen reports that 62% of voters believe the same. This is up a point from last week and is the highest level since February of this year. Maybe we are starting to wake up?

The Congressional Budget Office apparently is among the 62%, as the Director's blog today states the following:

Wow, That is a mouthful! What he is actually saying is that "Under current law, the Federal Budget is on an unsustainable path,". I guess that statement leaves us two alternatives, one is to change direction, and the other is to change current law. I believe that changing direction would be the best alternative for all concerned. This statement also hints at ridiculous inflation rates coming in the near future as a result of this, which will in turn make China and other governments that are holding all of this debt alot less patient than they have been, and they are already showing signs of getting impatient now. In fact, Economist Dr. Robert Shiller, one person who accurately predicted the housing bust before it happened, is now saying that we may remain in a "liquidity trap" similar to the one it faced during the great depression. That doesn't sound good at all.

The White House has already delayed the release of the midsummer budget update because they don't want us to see how far off their rosy predictions were prior to passing their Trillion Dollar stimulus package. My suspicion also is that their fear is this ridiculous mess of a "health care reform" bill would not stand a chance of passing at all if this budget report was released prior to congress taking their summer break beginning Aug 7. Rasmussen Polls state that 78% of voters believe this will lead to higher taxes for the middle class. The Congressional Budget office states that the house version of the bill would add 239 billion dollars to the deficit by 2019. From what i have read and looked at, this is probably a very conservative estimate. The real numbers, if this pig passes would probably end up 4 to 5 times that at least. That is, if you are able to get access to the types of treatment you need at the time you need them .

Part of the provisions of this bill allow the government to decide whether it makes sense for your 72 year old mother to have a mastectomy for a breast cancer issue. Is this really the kinds of decisions that the founding fathers had in mind when the constitution was framed? I certainly don't think so.

I believe it is time for us to find out what is going on and pay attention to what is being done before it gets so far along that it cannot be changed. I have placed links on this page to read the Constitution, the Federalist Papers (pretty darn dry) and many others that will allow us to keep tabs on our representatives. It is important to know how your congressman is voting on specific issues and if they are representing you properly. There is a link there that allows you to enter your zip code and look at exactly how your representatives are voting in the house and Senate. Send an email or call. I intend to have a link shortly that will allow us to have access to phone numbers for representatives to allow you to make a phone call at your convenience as well. If anyone knows of a good resource here and could forward it to me or post it in the comments, that would be great. Thanks and get involved.